'Meat and Dairy Products Prices Panel' Held in Ankara
'Meat and Dairy Products Prices Panel' Held in Ankara
3rd International Poultry Meat Congress Started in Antalya
Healthy Chicken Information Platform Advisory Board Gathered in Antalya
Healthy Chicken Information Platform Announced The Tips Of Making A Delicious And Healthy Barbecue
'Valentine's Day' Tables that are friendly to Your Heart and Health
3rd International Poultry Meat Congress "Will Be Held in Antalya on 22-26 April
Dr. Sait Koca is Re-elected as the Chairman of the Board of BESD-BİR
Production Facilities Open Doors For Mothers and Their Families
Poultry Meat Manufacturers and Breeders Association General Secretary Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ergun
Poultry Meat Manufacturers and Breeders Association 17th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting Call
Prof. Dr. Perihan Arslan; Children Should Eat Better Quality 'Protein'
Head Crown of Healthy and Delicious Tables, Protein and Vitamin Rich Chicken Meat