
World Scientists Will Get Together in Antalya at the 4th International Poultry Meat Congress

World Scientists Will Get Together in Antalya at the 4th International Poultry Meat Congress

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Chicken Plague (Avian Influenza) Free Regions Announced by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock General Directorate of Food and Control!

Chicken Plague (Avian Influenza) Free Regions Announced by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock General Directorate of Food and Control!

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Ankara Food Bloggers were at our Production Facilities

Ankara Food Bloggers were at our Production Facilities

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BESD-BİR Hosted Faculty Members of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health

BESD-BİR Hosted Faculty Members of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health

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Benefits of Chicken Soup Medically Proven

Benefits of Chicken Soup Medically Proven

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"4th International Poultry Meat Congress" will be held in Antalya between 26-30 April 2017

"4th International Poultry Meat Congress" will be held in Antalya between 26-30 April 2017

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BESD-BİR Antalya Bloggers Meeting

BESD-BİR Antalya Bloggers Meeting

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We Are Strong Together

We Are Strong Together

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BESD-BİR Board of Directors Congratulatory Visit to the Minister of Economy

BESD-BİR Board of Directors Congratulatory Visit to the Minister of Economy

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Prefer Chicken or Turkey in Ramadan

Prefer Chicken or Turkey in Ramadan

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The Doors of Production Facilities Opened for Students

The Doors of Production Facilities Opened for Students

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We Are Obese From Information Pollution

We Are Obese From Information Pollution

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