Turkey Meat, the Indispensable Taste of New Year's Table
Turkey Meat, the Indispensable Taste of New Year's Table
Besd-Bir Başkanı Dr. Sait Koca: “Sektörü Büyütürken Ve Geliştirirken Her Zaman Bilimin Yanında Olduk, Bundan Sonra Da Olacağız.”
Healthy Chicken Information Platform Advisory Board Gathered at Izmir Swiss Hotel
Turkish Poultry Meat Sector Plays in the Top 3 in the World in Exports
Chicken Meat Consumption ... Turkey Turkish Folk Increasing Every Year "Chicken Doner" i like
"National Poultry Congress 2014" with International Participation was Held in Elazığ
Besd-Bir President Dr. Sait Koca; "Our First Priority is Food Safety with 14 Thousand Producers ..."
Natural Protection Against Cold Chicken Soup
Consume Chicken Meat for Heart Health
The 2nd Meeting of the Safemeat_Eu Project was Held in Valencia, Spain
We lost Sabahattin Moralıoğlu, who produced the first White Meat Producer in our country. 1927-2014 (July)
A First in the Animal Health Sector: Vimar Acquired Vilsan İlaç